I am always looking for brave people who want to do something special with their photo sessions. I'll try to keep this page updated with new ideas for portrait sessions, and I'm hoping to find clients willing to take me up on one of these ideas. When that happens I'll remove the idea from my list and post another in it's place.

*please don't think that this list precludes any suggestions! I'd love to hear your ideas. Let's embark on an adventure!


1. Silent movie villain and heroin. Think capes, top hats and mustache twirling, ropes and train tracks.

2. Re-create images of iconic romance movie moments, like Baby crawling across the dance floor toward Johnny, Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in Ghost, ect...


1. A picnic with a little cartoon magic thrown in. Think of army ants making off with sandwiches, and cloud animals

2. A reinterpretation of famous paintings, like American Gothic, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 
The Kiss, Carnation Lily Lily Rose

3. Where the parent's portray their kids, and the kids act like parents

4. A board game (like monopoly) that eventually turns a nice family into a bunch of monsters

5. Mother Daughter tea party


1. Any fairy tale theme

2. Kids as adults, i.e. little boy as a mechanic, little girl as a 50's style housewife, etc... 

3. Kids as little monsters

4. Superheros



1. I'm looking to re-create some of the illustrations by Arthur Rackham, in particular this one and this one 

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