No no, it is Boudoir Marathon time, baby!
I LOVE boudoir photography. Honestly. I truly enjoy watching women reconnect with themselves. It doesn't seem like it should be such a big deal, until you start to think about what it really means.
As a mom, I know what it feels like to STOP feeling like a woman. I am a chauffeur, a cook, a nanny, a handkerchief (yes, it's gross, I know) a wife, a scrubber of toilets and a wiper of poopy-oh-god-someone-gag-me baby butts. As a photographer, I am a customer service rep, a gofer, a research assistant, a student, a technical consultant, and accountant...and the list goes on.
By the end of the day, it is hard to remember that somewhere underneath it all, I am still a WOMAN. Hard to remember that I am still feminine, still sensual, still sexy (beneath the snot on my shirt...thanks, toddler) still beautiful and worthy of being celebrated simply for being the amazing creature that is woman.
Boudoir photography is a way to remind woman that while we are complex creatures, multifaceted and multidimensional, we ARE sexy, sensual, feminine, and lovely. All one has to do is look at the proof in the images.
The next boudoir shoot, Couture Boudoir, is happening October 11th in the historic Theater District of Downtown Tacoma.
We are really going all out for this one with fantastic sets, swag bags full of goodies, gourmet refreshments, leather bound albums, silk robes to lounge in, the whole nine yards. The celebrity treatment isn't too good for MY ladies!
You can contact me for booking information at, or message me on Facebook.
If you would like to see more examples of my boudoir work, let me know. I only share images with the permission of the client, so they are all in a password protected online gallery.