Despite having lived most of my life in Washington State, I had never been to Snoqualmie before. It is a cute little town with a lot of history, an absolutely stunning waterfall, and the most fantastic hotel/spa I have ever been in. More importantly than all that, it was and is now forever the place that two amazing people spoke the words that would tie them together for a lifetime.
I couldn't think of a better reason to go there than to photograph the elopement of Lonny and Jennifer.
I have had the pleasure of photographing Jennifer before, and when she asked me to shoot their surprise wedding I couldn't have said yes fast enough. Not only is the girl easy on the eyes, but she has such a fun spirit that she is a joy to be around. Better than that is the love between her and her (now husband) that is palpable whenever they are together.
Their wedding was quick, sweet, and to the point. I think it may have lasted less than 5 minutes, but it was clear to me as I photographed the intimate moments after they said their vows that these two have a lifetime of happiness stretched out before them.
Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison! Congratulations, you two.
p.s. keep a look out for the face the officiant made when the bride made an off color joke during the ceremony. It was the best