First, I just have to say that I had a blast shooting this editorial. If you have ever had the pleasure of having a model in front of your camera who just inspires you, then you know what I'm talking about. We literally threw this shoot together last minute, as we knew the deadline for magazine submission was getting close.
Luckily, a few months ago, I had found the most gorgeous vintage lace wedding dress. I'm telling you, if you ever want to stock up on cool old dresses, wait for Halloween and hit your local thrift shop.
Thank you, Goodwill!
I also bummed around Michael's the day before and found some super cool feathery things that you stick in flower arrangements and performed some crafty magic on them; cause that's what I do. Let me just tell you about the magic of hot glue guns, folks.
Anyway, I already had some inspiration for the theme of this shoot and worked out a lighting scheme. My oldest son wasn't as thrilled to stand around for me while I got the angles dialed in, but he dealt with it...since I didn't give him much of a choice.
Since I had everything including wardrobe pretty much pin pointed by the time the model, mua (heads up Serena Cook of Esoteric Makeup!!) and the hair stylist (ahem, Laura Klem of The Best Little Hair House) arrived, there wasn't really much for me to do during the wait besides watch in awe as our model was transformed. I will never stop being amazed by how COOL it is to see great artists work their craft on peoples faces.
I think this was easily the fastest editorial I have photographed to date. We moved through 5 or 6 looks so quickly I was honestly shocked. A good deal of that had to do with the fact that the model, the lovely miss Amberlyn, was a complete pro in front of the camera and hit poses like she had been doing it all her life. I felt like one of those cliched fashion photographers on TV who shouts, "Yes, YES! More, more, yes dah-ling WONDERFUL, give me MORE!"
But I didn't really care because I could tell that wonderful things were happening.
I might have jumped up and down a few times.
There was more jumping up and down...and maybe even a squee or two, when
I found out that the editorial was not only accepted but would be the
cover story of MiNT.
Without further ado, here is the set. Definitely one of my absolute favorites to date.